Scattered Colours of the Sky Science Article
As I’m sure you’re aware the sky is blue, clouds are white, and sunsets are red.
Why does this happen?
The Earth’s atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, a pinch of Argon and then a sprinkling of various other gases. So, our atmosphere is mostly Nitrogen and Oxygen, and the atoms of these gases generally like to wander around in twos. This is what we call a molecule, and both molecules are joined by a chemical bond that is about 300 picometres long (tiny! ...Read more
If It Looks Like A Duck Science Article
As science continues to bound through the 21st century, its frontiers stretch ever further towards distant conceptual horizons. The borders dividing the nations of science become increasingly distorted in the lands that inhabit these distinctly foreign frontiers. One region that inspires deep trepidation in the researchers who explore this realm, and endless suspicion from their colleagues, is where quantum mechanics crashes into systems biology to create quantum biology. Research into this tectonic collision of physics and biology began relatively recently, and is raising eyebrows across both fields. ...Read more